Monday, March 25, 2019

Asian Plums are Blooming. 3.24.15

Crimson Sentry Plum.  3.24.19

Flavor Supreme Pluot.  3.24.19

Hollywood Plum (cutting grown).  3.24.29
Most of the Asian Plums are in almost full bloom. Pictured ate:

Crimson Sentry.  I need to check pn the name. Ornamental and fastigiate.  I like the flavor of the plums although there isn't much flesh and they are small.  It is usually first to bloom.  I like it as a potential pollinizer for early blooming plums.
Multigraft.  Branch in bloom is Hollywood..  3.24.19

Nadia Cherry Plum Hybrid.  3.24.19
Flavor Supreme (or Flavor King?).  Second year, blooming now.

Hollywood.  Full bloom.  A few years from growing from a cutting.

Methley and Shiro not open yet, not pictured.  Starting to bloom.

Seedling, grafted onto Hanska, was first.  I've been cutting blooming branches from Cromson Sentry and Hollywood and placing them among the branches for pollination.  This tree just got new grafts of Black Ice and Beauty plums.

 None of the Euro plums are blooming yet.

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