Thursday, March 10, 2022

Cedar Planter Box Is Built. 3.10.22

That went pretty fast. I did spend the day working on it. Here is the completed planter box.
Inside the box, I'll have ten extra large "Grow Bags".
My original thought was to just have the "Grow Bags" sitting out without support. Then I thought about it, and they look kind of junky. Plus I was concerned they might get floppy, so I wanted them contained. Then I had the pallets to get rid of - the cement blocks for the earlier beds were delivered on them. So I sat the bags on those, which wasn't any better but I liked raising the bags higher. So I built the planter to hold the bags. Each bag will hold about the same number of plants as a 4 foot row in a 4 x 8 foot raised bed. Maybe a little less since I space most rows a foot apart so 8 rows per bed, whereas this is ten "Grow Bags" in a similar space. If I can, I'll build platform about four to six inches higher, to bring the bags up nearer to the edge of the sides. I think I'll scrub the wood and stain it, this summer. The wood is very nice. Here is a cut through one of the boards.

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