Daniel's Pacific NW Garden
The gardening diary of an experienced Pacific NW gardener.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Spider Web
This morning. The spider is your friend.
Roots, one month later
I planted this little, container-grown pine about one month ago. Already I saw it was a bad choice of location, and moved it. Lots of litt...
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Onion and Chive update. Raised bed.
Already, the Chinese chives are filling in with new leaves, stout and firm. The smaller, finer "Illinois rescue" garlic chives a...
Moving a big forsythia bush
This bush was in a bad place. Dry, north side of the house, shaded on 3 sides. It was droopy and not enough room. I grew it from a cuttin...
Moving a 4 year old cherry tree
Rain is predicted for next Saturday. Nights are in the 40s to 50s, days in 70s to 80s. Leaves are beginning to change color and drop. So ...
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