Daniel's Pacific NW Garden
The gardening diary of an experienced Pacific NW gardener.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mystery Orchid
This orchid plant is growing nicely, quadrupled in size from last winter. It was a gift. Previously I speculated that it might be Dendrobium...
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A few late fall flowers, and kitchen garden produce
Late summer planting of Roma bush beans. These are very good stir-fried with mushrooms, garlic, and peanuts, along with some stir fry noodle...
More schlumbergeras
There is such a thing as having too many Schlumbergeras. Over the years, I've thought "that's a cool looking one, it's smal...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Spider
Spiders are our friends. I happened on this beautiful web, glistening with morning dew. It's maker lurks in the center, waiting for un...
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